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Second month

Author: Time:2021-09-1452 second

Information summary:  养了两个月的[emoji:8J+QoA==] 开启感觉挺有意思后来慢慢变淡 到现在觉得养鱼是一场持久战 每天看看[emoji:8J+QoA==] 也挺有意思 我将持续养下去 很高兴在龙巅鱼邻app遇见的朋友和学习到的知识  = (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends R...., exotica, albino crossback arowana, rtg 1310, My Extraction With The Transformehow to.Second month

  养了两个月的[emoji:8J+QoA==] 开启感觉挺有意思后来慢慢变淡 到现在觉得养鱼是一场持久战 每天看看[emoji:8J+QoA==] 也挺有意思 我将持续养下去 很高兴在龙巅鱼邻app遇见的朋友和学习到的知识

  = (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends Review) =

  Five-year-old child


Fish friends help me can also wave


Yuyou Lin Changkai


   Every day, look at the fish.
Fish friend rabbit brother


Fish friend is rotten ______ good person!



  Thank you rabbit brother.

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